Geriatric Care: Boosting Independence & Quality of Life in Seniors

A caucasian heterosexual elderly couple is holding their grandchildren. The grandfather on the left is wearing a pink and white vertical-striped shirt. On his lap is a baby wearing a white flower on her head and a maroon dress. To the left is a grandmother, wearing dark-framed glasses and a maroon v-neck shirt. A young boy with blonde hair is on her lap, wearing a black and grey jacket.
Photo credit: Pexels

Geriatric healthcare is a medical specialty that caters to the unique needs of the aging population. It promotes independence, well-being, and a high-quality life for those 65 and older. Working with a geriatric care manager can significantly enhance your parent’s care. A geriatric care manager achieves this because they follow a holistic approach.

Now, let’s dive into the four guiding principles that geriatric care managers follow.

Four Principles of Geriatric Healthcare

A geriatric care manager takes a holistic approach to care. This approach is guided by four principles: individualized care, multidisciplinary collaboration, individualized care, prevention and maintenance, and continuous care.

Individualized Care for Older Adults

Geriatric care is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It is designed to cater to the unique needs of each older patient. This understanding that each older patient has different needs is at the core of geriatric care, ensuring personalized care for your mom and dad.

Your parents’ care team will evaluate them to determine the scope of their health problems. These tests assess their unique needs, health concerns, goals, and preferences. The team will use the results to create a long-term care plan tailored to them.

Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Geriatric Care

Working with a geriatric care manager can enhance collaboration among your parents’ care team. This healthcare expert coordinates and plans their care, promoting collaboration among their providers across various specialties.

The collaborative nature of their approach helps ensure the right experts are on their care team. Each member of their care team provides specialized care to treat the health problems of elderly patients. As your parents’ needs evolve, their care team will, too, thus increasing the effectiveness of their long-term care plan.

This cross-functional team supports the holistic nature of geriatric care. Some common members of a care team consist of:

Their primary care provider may coordinate with the geriatric pharmacist to manage medications. Meanwhile, physical and occupational therapists may both work to improve physical health.

Collaboration among diverse professionals ensures your parent gets the best care. Thus supporting the quality and success of their care plan.

Prevention and Maintenance

Your parent’s care team will take preventative and maintenance measures. Preventative measures will help lower your parent’s risk of developing illnesses. Taking preventative action will also help maintain their health and well-being. The steps taken will differ for each senior patient, but some common measures include:

  • Staying up-to-date on vaccines.
  • Attending regular health screenings with their providers.
  • Lifestyle adjustments.

Staying on top of your parent’s health will encourage healthy aging and independence.

The Importance of Continuous Care in Geriatric Healthcare

In geriatric healthcare, continuous care is not just important, it’s essential. It’s a comprehensive approach that provides ongoing support and management for your parent’s health needs, preventing gaps in care.

Continuous care differs from patient to patient. Yet, it always supports the best care outcomes. Some examples of continuous care include:

  • Ensure your parents smoothly transition between care settings, such as:
    • Home care is no longer enough for your parents’ needs. So, you are considering transitioning them into a nursing home or assisted living facility. We will help you through every step of this transition.
  • If you live out of state and need help planning travel for medical center appointments, that’s no problem. We have your back!

Whatever ongoing care may look like for your parent, a geriatric care manager has you covered!

Navigating The Process

Navigating your parent’s geriatric care may feel overwhelming. This is normal. But we assure you that there is no need to stress. You are not alone in this journey. We are here to support you every step of the way.

At Careplan Care Managers, we understand that navigating their care may seem overwhelming. Our team of care managers has the specialized training and expertise you need. Through our comprehensive care services, they will guide and support you through every step, providing a profound sense of relief and reassurance.

You will work together to ensure your parent’s care team meets their needs. Your geriatric care manager will keep you informed and active in your parent’s care. Their expertise will help you to make the best decisions for your parents.
